
Game Over.

Its over between Angel and I.

She decided that she'd rather torture herself and be miserable with her ex because she knows that she will never get over her and will never let her go.

So she let me go instead. The best thing that will ever happen to her.

She said that she doesn't want to hurt me anymore, so she has to let me go.

It is true though. All of the Ex baggage took its toll on me quite a bit. She did so many shitty things to Angel during our ten and a half month run, and before then too. But she would never let her go and STILL wants to be with her.

So be it. They can have each other.

I never really fit into Angel's world, anyway.

I couldn't stand her friends. She couldn't stand my interests and a good majority of my music.

Throughout our relationship, it felt like I was doing all of the fighting for us. It was a constant chase after her and near the end I was extremely exhausted from it.

Ten and a half months and I think three to four of them we were official. I don't regret anything though. I had the time of my life during those times. I met new people, made new friends, had a lot of new experiences, and learned that it is possible to fall in love more than once.

Life is going to be tough without her as my partner, but I will survive. I survived before... I can do it again. It wont be easy, though. Especially this time.

Angel became apart of me. When I'm not around her, I feel incomplete. Empty. I really hope over time I feel complete again.

If, in the future, she decides she wants me back (which I KNOW she will), I will make her work for it like I've worked for her the past ten and a half months. She will have to go through my mother first. Lol

Like I said... I do not regret anything. I love her very much and always will, but our time is up. For now, I'm going to just work on myself. Build my life back up. Pay more attention to my friends (the very little I have left), make new friends, work harder on finding a job and getting into school, and just work on me. Figure out what I want.

For now, peace.

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